We are happy to announce a forthcoming Lion’s Roar Foundation Weekend this November 26-27 taught online via Zoom. During this weekend, Mary Mackay-James will give the complete transmission of the formless meditation practice, which includes not only the sitting instruction, but also teachings on the view, which clarify the significance of the practice and what it means to relate to our experience in a non-egocentric way.
This weekend is self-contained and provides a complete introduction to Dzogchen view, meditation, and daily life practice. But it can also be the entrypoint to the three year Lion’s Roar programme, which guides students to a complete understanding of the formless meditation practice by examining the many complex layers of conceptuality which obstruct our ability to connect fully to the practice in all its subtlety and profundity. This programme is suitable for all as the training is not explicitly Buddhist, but only focused on giving students a complete introduction to sitting practice as a means of relating to one’s direct experience.
Registration is open now, with early bird pricing available until November 16: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-lions-roar-foundation-weekend-online-tickets-452225507667
Longchen Open on Break This Week
This week Longchen Open will not meet, we will resume for three more sessions next week, on November 10. This course teaches an introduction to formless meditation and is suitable for complete beginners. It is taught online via Zoom. For more information and to get the Zoom link, please contact pof@longchenfoundation.org.
Sadhana of the Embodiment of All the Siddhas
Next Tuesday, November 8th, is the full moon, when the Longchen Foundation Mandala gathers to practice the Sadhana of the Embodiment of All the Siddhas, also known as the Sadhana of Mahamudra. This will also be a full lunar eclipse for Sangha members on the American continent and the last such eclipse until 2025. This event is only open to current members of the Longchen Foundation.
Lewisham Path of Freedom Meeting Through November
If you live in or near Lewisham in south London, don’t miss the final month of teachings in their Autumn term. This Path of Freedom group is currently teaching the life of the Buddha and will be meeting in-person until the end of November. For more information contact southlondon@longchenfoundation.org.