From Rigdzin Shikpo’s talk on Death and Dying
Then there’s what seems to be the external world – which is also totally mysterious and, in a sense, unfathomable. And that also you can rest in. And that never becomes an object of mind. I know one thinks, ‘Well, the external world; that’s all around us. We know what that is.’ But we don’t. From this point of view, the real, the true, external world is a mystery beyond thought.
Friday, February 19, 2021: 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm United Kingdom time
Join the Longchen Foundation for a public viewing on Zoom of Rigdzin Shikpo’s Heart of Buddha 2012 teaching on Death and Dying. According to the teachings, in the dying process there is a special opportunity to more fully open to what is real and see through the basic error of grasping at ego. Rigdzin Shikpo explains the importance of understanding that the support of a dying person is an activity for the whole dharma mandala to engage in.
For a flavour of these teachings, here is a link to a 6 minute excerpt where Rigdzin Shikpo discusses the always fascinating Three Spheres.
The Zoom session will follow this format: After 10 minutes of group formless meditation, we will play Rigdzin Shikpo’s first talk from the Death and Dying teaching together with some of the Q & A – a bit more than an hour in time total. Attendees are very welcome to remain after the video for a further 15 minutes of Zoom together time.
Here is the Zoom Link (Meeting ID: 893 2214 5627)
The second of the two Death and Dying talks will be played on Zoom Friday March 5, 2021, at the same time and using the above Zoom link.
If you plan to attend this teaching, please consider supporting the work of Longchen Foundation by making a voluntary donation of £10 or so to General Fund – Longchen Foundation donation page.
Any questions? Please contact Andrew at andrewjmunro@gmail.com.