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Heart of Buddha


The Path of the Buddha for Troubled Times:
How meditation can link us to all beings and bring joy, insight and compassion into our lives

We are very pleased to announce that Francesca Fremantle has agreed to present a Heart of Buddha talk this year. The title will be ‘The Path of the Buddha for Troubled Times: How meditation can link us to all beings and bring joy, insight and compassion into our lives.’

Francesca is the author The Tibetan Book of the Dead (1975) which she translated in collaboration with Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche. She later published detailed guide to it, Luminous Emptiness (2004) which has been successful for over two decades.

The event will be held in Cologne, Germany and online. The talk is in English with German translation.

Registration is now open on Eventbrite.

Online: https://www.eventbrite.de/e/der-weg-des-buddha-in-dieser-unruhigen-zeit-vortrag-francesca-fremantle-tickets-1133987028729

On site in Cologne, Germany: https://www.eventbrite.de/e/der-weg-des-buddha-in-dieser-unruhigen-zeit-vortrag-francesca-fremantle-tickets-1139071677049

Further information on attending the event on site can be found at www.longchen.de

Sat 17 May @ 12:00 am 5:00 pm

Cost: 45 €
Contact: Dietmar Scheiner at longchen-office@web.de

Aachener Straße 68
Köln, 50674 Germany
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