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Path of Freedom: Oxford
Tue 14 Feb 2023 @ 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm
Spring Term: Selected Buddhist Topics
This Spring term the Oxford Path of Freedom Group will be teaching select topics from the Buddhist tradition. This term will be taught by Caroline Culme-Seymour and Wendy Lowes, you can find the schedule for the topics and teachers below. Please note that this term, we are starting a half hour later than usual, from 7:30 to 9:00pm. For more information and to receive the Zoom link please email oxford@longchenfoundation.org.
Date | Teacher | Topic |
24 January | Wendy | Introduction |
31 January | Caroline | The Four Thoughts |
7 February | Wendy | The Five Skandhas |
14 February | Wendy | Meditation and Readings |
21 February | Caroline | The Five Indriyas |
28 February | Wendy | Surrender |
7 March | Caroline | How Projections Arise |
14 March | Wendy | Karma |
21 March | Caroline | Lojong |
28 March | Ganacakra |
About the Oxford Group
Meditation is the means of connecting more fully with the world of our own experience. It is a path of complete openness of heart and mind, through which we come to realise the indestructible heart essence that is our true nature. This realisation continuously benefits both ourselves and others.
We put emphasis on the practice of formless meditation and developing the view of openness. Once or twice a year we run short courses (4-5 weeks duration) focusing on the main elements of formless meditation. At other times topics from the Path of Freedom course are presented.
We meet weekly online via Zoom to practise meditation together and to deepen our understanding of Buddhist teachings. This Spring term will be taught by Caroline Seymour and Wendy Lowes. Each session starts with meditation, followed by a talk and discussion:
7.30pm Formless Meditation
8.15pm – 9.00pm Teaching and Discussion
The class follows a term-based structure, roughly equivalent to the usual school term dates, but with occasional breaks for Bank Holidays and retreats.