Lion’s Roar Gate 6 Practice
A practice group for anyone who has attended Lion's Roar Gate 6, with occasional teachings from Mary Mackay-James. For more information, please contact Dimitri or Simon.
A practice group for anyone who has attended Lion's Roar Gate 6, with occasional teachings from Mary Mackay-James. For more information, please contact Dimitri or Simon.
Weekly Online Meditation Group Every Sunday. Longchen Foundation students living across the globe practise meditation and strengthen connections with each other every Sunday. We meet at 5pm (UK time) for […]
A monthly practice in honour of Guru Rigdzin Shikpo Rinpoche. For more information, contact
We are a Buddhist practice and study group of the Longchen Foundation based in Lewisham in south London. Our everyday world is so familiar and seemingly mundane that we easily […]