Endless Compassionate Vision Practice
A practice group for the Endless Compassionate Vision stream, currently practising ECV Levels 1-6. For more information please contact Carmen and Ben.
A practice group for the Endless Compassionate Vision stream, currently practising ECV Levels 1-6. For more information please contact Carmen and Ben.
This term, Autumn/Winter 2023, we are going to start up on 19th September and will carry on every Tuesday until 12th December. We know it has been a long break since the parinirvāṇa of Rigdzin Shikpo and we are looking forward to meeting again regularly. This term we are going to do a round of teachings based on […]
A practice group for anyone who has attended Lion's Roar Gate 6, with occasional teachings from Mary Mackay-James. For more information, please contact Dimitri or Simon.
Every full moon the Longchen Foundation sangha practises the Sadhana of the Embodiment of All the Siddhas, also known as the Sadhana of Mahamudra. This event is only open to members of the Longchen Foundation.