Lion’s Roar Gate 6 Practice
A practice group for anyone who has attended Lion's Roar Gate 6, with occasional teachings from Mary Mackay-James. For more information, please contact Dimitri or Simon.
A practice group for anyone who has attended Lion's Roar Gate 6, with occasional teachings from Mary Mackay-James. For more information, please contact Dimitri or Simon.
Beyond Birth and Death - A Heart of the Buddha Public Talk and Live Stream with Francesca Fremantle Francesca Fremantle, author of Luminous Emptiness and co-author with Trungpa Rinpoche of […]
Weekly Online Meditation Group Every Sunday. Longchen Foundation students living across the globe practise meditation and strengthen connections with each other every Sunday. We meet at 5pm (UK time) for […]
We are a Buddhist practice and study group of the Longchen Foundation based in Lewisham in south London. Our everyday world is so familiar and seemingly mundane that we easily […]