These events are open to anyone who would like to come along and experience the Mahayana Maha Ati teachings first hand. Heart of Buddha teachings are taught exclusively by Rigdzin Shikpo, as well as selected Path of Freedom teachings. Other public teachings are taught by authorised Longchen teachers. Public talks cover all kinds of topics ranging from The Four Noble Truths to Death and Dying. You can find detailed information on a particular weekend by following the link for each weekend on the Events page.

Public weekend and one day programmes

Tickets for an event will normally be available two or three months in advance. Sometimes Early Bird versions are available, the cut-off date for which will normally be two weeks in advance of the weekend. St Ms sunshine 2014 cropped

Some general information

Each day contains a mixture of meditation, teaching, questions and discussion. While all events include a basic instruction in formless meditation, not all events include detailed instruction. If you would like to receive more detailed instruction, please talk to the event organiser who will be pleased to let you know the best way for you to request and receive it from an authorised teacher.


public talkPublic events are open to everyone, from those new to practise to those who have experience in other traditions and who wish to deepen their connection with Longchen.

Days typically begin around 9.30am and finish no later than 5.30pm. Specific timings may vary for different events, details will be on the Events listing. Tea, coffee and refreshments are included. Lunch is not provided for public events, but information on local places to eat will be available.


Heart of Buddha
The Lion’s Roar Gate One

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