Week of Events
Lion’s Roar Gate 5
This weekend is suitable for people who have attended a previous Lion's Roar Gate 4, as well as refreshers who've attended a previous Gate 4. Registration is now available on Eventbrite here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-lions-roar-gate-5-weekend-2930-june-in-person-and-online-tickets-920956334187
Lewisham Path of Freedom
Lewisham Path of Freedom
We are a Buddhist practice and study group of the Longchen Foundation based in Lewisham in south London. Our everyday world is so familiar and seemingly mundane that we easily take it all for granted. By learning to relate to experience in a simple and direct way we can begin the great journey to discover […]
Oxford Path of Freedom: Key Lineage Masters
Oxford Path of Freedom: Key Lineage Masters
We are back for a short term before the retreat season starting on 21st May with six talks based on Key Longchen lineage figures. Usual Tuesday evenings 7.30-9.00PM BST. 40 minutes formless meditation to start. Please note the new zoom link! 21/5 Garab Dorje and the Early History of Dzogchen I 28/5 Garab Dorje […]
Longchen Together
Longchen Together
Longchen Foundation students living across the globe practise meditation and strengthen connections with each other every Sunday. We meet at 5pm (UK time) for 40 minutes of formless meditation. Then, for those wishing to connect more, there is an open space in the remaining 20 minutes for us to share whatever we feel inspired to […]