Week of Events
Lewisham Path of Freedom
Lewisham Path of Freedom
We are a Buddhist practice and study group of the Longchen Foundation based in Lewisham in south London. Our everyday world is so familiar and seemingly mundane that we easily take it all for granted. By learning to relate to experience in a simple and direct way we can begin the great journey to discover […]
Oxford Path of Freedom
Oxford Path of Freedom
We are back for the Spring term starting on 14th Jan doing a series of talks on Rigdzin Shikpo’s book ‘Never Turn Away’ This term will run from 14th Jan – 11th Feb then we are going to have 3 week half-term break as Dan will be on retreat. Back on 11th March – 15th […]
Longchen Open
Longchen Open
Starting on Thursday, January 16th, join us for the Longchen Open group, an hour’s session of teachings and meditation open to all. The hour starts with a Longchen instructor giving simple instruction on formless meditation, followedby roughly 20 to 30 minutes of formless meditation practice. The final 15 or 20 minutes are an opportunity for […]
Path of Freedom: Longchen Open
Path of Freedom: Longchen Open
Longchen Open Meditation Group Anyone looking to make or deepen a connection to the Longchen Foundation and the teachings of Rigdzin Shikpo can now attend an hour's on-line open meditation group. The Longchen Open group will take place on Zoom each Thursday evening from 7pm to 8pm UK time, beginning Thursday 16th January The hour starts with […]
Longchenpa Day
Longchenpa Day
On Longchenpa Day we celebrate the life and legacy of the incomparable 14th century Tibetan Buddhist teacher Longchen Rabjam, for whom the Longchen Foundation is named. This day will include a showing of a video recording of a previous teaching Rigdzin Shikpo gave on Longchenpa Day as well as a gaṇacakra celebration. This event is […]
Longchen Together
Longchen Together
Longchen Foundation students living across the globe practise meditation and strengthen connections with each other every Sunday. We meet at 5pm (UK time) for 40 minutes of formless meditation. Then, for those wishing to connect more, there is an open space in the remaining 20 minutes for us to share whatever we feel inspired to […]