The Longchen Foundation has students all over the UK, Germany, North America, and Mexico but has never had a base for the lineage.
We are now looking to establish a Lineage Home to protect the Longchen teachings for generations to come.
For years Longchen has survived by hiring a range of sites for teachings and for meditation retreats. It was one of Rigdzin Shikpo’s greatest wishes that the Longchen Foundation put down some roots. He felt and the Mandala Mother feels that we need a place where people can come and learn, and in turn lead others around the world out of confusion. We are looking for a site that has room for a small number of facilities.

At the heart of the site will be a decent sized room to serve as the primary meditation space for students and as a place where Longchen teachers can pass on Rigdzin Shikpo’s teachings.
A consecrated stupa somewhere on the grounds, would be a lasting pilgrimage site for current and future students.

The Longchen Foundation has an extensive catalogue of hundreds of Buddhist books and traditional texts in English, Tibetan and Sanskrit which need to be protected.
We have published a number of books and talks on DVD, and there is also an audio-visual archive of Rigdzin Shikpo’s teachings that stretches back decades that needs looking after. We hope the Media Centre will make this invaluable resource accessible as a source of inspiration for practice and study for decades into the future.

This will be a dedicated space to learn and explore art in many different forms. Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche always encouraged his students to do everything from calligraphy to flower arranging as a means of better understanding themselves and their relationship to space and their world.
One of the most important areas of the grounds would be some private rooms for the Longchen Lineage holder and their partner,
the Mandala Mother, and whoever may take those roles in the future.

Peace and quiet are essential for meditation and contemplation; well-kept gardens with walkways; wooded areas and benches hidden away in secret corners will give students somewhere to rest between practice sessions.
Accommodations for long retreats, short-term retreats, and teaching weekends.
A single well organised repository for the group’s administration needs is essential. Dedicated office space will make managing the Foundation’s finances much easier and help us to plan teaching and outreach programs.

We are looking for a property in the countryside NW of Oxford, ideally away from surrounding properties, in a quiet location suitable for meditation and reflection. We are looking to raise somewhere in the region of £6,000,000.
If you want to support us please click the button below, depending on your location. Any contribution large or small will be a great help towards establishing a firm base for the Longchen Lineage well into the future. We hope with your help this home will benefit countless sentient beings for a long time to come.
If you are donating from outside the UK, select “Enter address manually” when entering your details.
If you want any more details about the Lineage Home or have any questions please contact the fundraising team. To download a printable brochure for distribution and with more information on the lineage home please click here.