The Parinirvana of Rigdzin Shikpo Rinpoche

With the greatest sorrow we share the news that Rigdzin Shikpo Rinpoche, the lineage holder of the Longchen Foundation, demonstrated the truth of impermanence and passed away on the evening of 28 April. Throughout his life, Rigdzin Shikpo worked tirelessly for the good of others and, with enormous care, painstakingly crafted a system of teachings and practices unique to the Longchen Foundation yet authentically rooted in the great Tibetan lineages he received from his many teachers.

Rigdzin Shikpo was appointed as the director and teacher of the Longchen Foundation when it was established in 1975 by Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche and Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche.

In 1993, after completing a three year retreat under the guidance of Khenpo Tsultrim Gyamtso Rinpoche, he was given the title ‘Rigdzin Shikpo’ in recognition of his realisation. ‘Rigdzin’ (in Sanskrit, Vidyādhara) means ‘awareness holder’ and ‘Shikpo’ means ‘beyond concepts’.

Rigdzin Shikpo Rinpoche cared deeply for his students and never doubted that we all would attain awakening. He always emphasised the importance of the community of practitioners, bound together through the energy of wisdom and compassion. Rigdzin Shikpo will continue to manifest his qualities and action in this Mandala as we support each other through this difficult period and into the future.

We will provide more information as soon as we can.

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