We are happy to announce that the Lion’s Roar Year 1 Retreat will take place this 15-19th November, 2023.
This online meditation retreat is a precious opportunity to explore more deeply the practices and vision of The Lion’s Roar Gate 1 The Immediacy of Awareness, Gate 2 Meditation on the Senses, and Gate 3 Meditating Beyond Ambition. It is open to anyone who has attended the first year of The Lion’s Roar Programme at any time in the past.
The retreat provides a space in which to deepen your practice through frequent sessions of meditation over a four day period. One of our most beloved teachers, Kathy Nairne, will give daily teachings reviewing Gates 1, 2, and 3 and also will teach about how to engage meaningfully in retreat practice. There will also be opportunities for group discussion and feedback and a chance to speak privately with Kathy about your practice.
Registration is open now via Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-lions-roar-year-1-online-retreat-2023-tickets-737934551107. This retreat is suitable both for those living in the United Kingdom or in America as there will be two official retreat timetables, with some overlap between the two. For any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the organisers Johnny Keen and Andrew Munro at tlr@longchenfoundation.org.