Books by Rigdzin Shikpo

The following publications are available from the Longchen Foundation and can be ordered by emailing:

Never Turn Away

“Trungpa Rinpoche’s great saying was, ‘Turn toward every thing.’ There’s something very wholesome about turning toward things completely and openly. It is sharp and uncontrived and feels genuine in a way that our ordinary projections and ways of handling things never do – from Never Turn Away

A meditator’s meditator, Rigdzin Shikpo began to practice in the mid 1950’s and eventually became a prominent student of several renowned Tibetan Buddhist teachers, including Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche and Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche. Over the years he has developed his own utterly unique style made of straight talk and sparkling, inspiring insights. This path of openness, clarity, and sensitivity is a hallmark of the Dzogchen tradition of Buddhist practice. Rigdzin Shikpo has lived its truth so deeply that his words shine with authenticity and freshness.



Openness Clarity Sensitivity

Openness Clarity sensitivity stresses the importance of confidence in the nature of mind, the heart essence of our being. It is what we essentially are, that aspect of our being which was never created and can never be destroyed. It is beyond creation and destruction, beyond time and space. It is mysterious and yet so familiar, indefinable and yet so simple.

Rigdzin Shikpo describes how by cutting through our self doubt and hesitations the way is opened to connect directly to the true nature of our being. This allows us to relate properly to the teachings of the great gurus of the Maha-Ati (Dzogchen) Buddhist tradition.


On Freeing the Heart

This small book of transcribed and edited talks has been produced by Rigdzin Shikpo’s students at the Nitartha School. It has been done for the benefit of new students as well as for a wider public. In particular it is hoped that it will benefit those who, having listened to Rigdzin Shikpo speak either at the London Buddhist Society or elsewhere, wish to follow up what they have heard. July 1985.


Formless Meditation and the Dying Process

This booklet contains an edited version of a talk given by Rigdzin Shikpo at the Abbey, Sutton Courtney in October 1996. This book is currently being reprinted. We can take back-orders that will ship as soon as the new printing is available.


Progressive Stages of Meditation on Emptiness

The Venerable Khenpo Tsultrim Gyamtso Europe at the request of HH Karmapa 16th in 1977. He is one of the most erudite scholars and accomplished yogis of the Karma Kagyu lineage. He is especially well-known for his breadth of vision and the clarity of his Dharma expositions. He first taught the Progessive Stages on Emptiness in Europe in 1978 and over the years he taught it again on a number of occasions in different countries, including America in 1985. The present text represents a more refined and extensive version of the original transcribed course. In order to incorporate the new material at appropriate moments in the text without disturbing the flow, the whole text has been re-written and re-arranged. First Published in 1986.

This book is currently available free of charge, we just ask that you pay the postage. A newer edition of this book is published by the Awakened Heart Sangha and can be purchased on Amazon:

International Publications

La Meditacion No Va De Eso

En la meditación el conflicto surge cuando uno empieza a pensar: “¡Aja!, por fin lo he logrado, A fin de cuentas se trataba de esto”. En ese momento se posible desviarse del camino. Es muy fácil, para un occidental que nunca ha practicado antes, verse abrumado al experimentar uno o mas de estos ñams (experiencias durante la meditación), y pensar: “¡Caramba! De esto debe de ir la cosa”. Si uno acudiera a un maestro de meditacion, éste seguramente se encogeria de hombros y diria: “Si esas cosas pasan cuando la gente se sienta a meditar. No te preocupes.La meditación no va de eso”, La razón por la que el maestro diria algo asi es porque existe la posibilidad de que uno empiece a pensar que lo importante es tener esas experiencias y les dé demasiada importancia. Uno puede empezar a crear un mundo fantastico a partir de estas sensaciones. Puede que este sea un mundo muy placentero, pero el budismo no consiste en eso. El budismo trara de apreciar por igual todo lo que se experimenta.


Spanish translation of

Openness Clarity Sensitivity


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No Mirar Hacia Otro Lado

“El gran dicho de Trungpa Rimpoché era: ‘Mira siempre de frente’ Mirar las cosas de frente, de manera directa y abierta, es realmente saludable. Es penetrante, natural y genuino, muchisimo más que lo podrán ser nunca nuestras proyecciones ordinarias y nuestros modos de manejar las cosas”.

Extraido de No mirar hacia otro lado

No mirar hacia otro lado, una sugerencia sencilla que nos anima a entrar en comunion directa con todos los aspectos de nuesrra vida. ¿Por qué? La respuesta se nos desvela a través de una enseñanza clara y brillante que es a la vez inspiradora, práctica y valiosa para toda clase dc meditadores”.

Larry Rosenberg, autor de Aliento tras aliento

“Una maravillosa guia para poner en práctica las enseñanzas budistas; unica por su claridad, profundidad y calidez”.

Douglas J. Penick, autor de The Warrior Song of King Gesar

Spanish Translation of

Never Turn Away


Available via

Wende Dich niemals ab: Der buddhistische Weg jenseits von Hoffnung und Furcht

Wende dich nicht ab, wenn dich Angst, Trauer oder Scham zu überwältigen drohen. Stelle dich dem Leben und all dem, was es dir zu bieten hat.

Rigdzin Shikpo konfrontiert uns in unausweichlicher Klarheit und Schärfe mit uns selbst. Eindringlich und herausfordernd ist der Pfad offenen, klaren und einfühlsamen Gewahrseins – ein Kennzeichen der Dzogchen-Linie des tibetischen Buddhismus.

Wende dich niemals ab ist eine Einführung in die Herz-Essenz der Lehre des Buddha. Diese Lehren sind jedoch nicht etwas, womit wir beginnen und die wir später, wenn wir zu höheren Dingen fortschreiten, wieder vergessen können. Sie stehen im Mittelpunkt des buddhistischen Pfades, vom Anfang bis zum Ende.

Ganz in der Tradition seiner Lehrer Chögyam Trungpa und Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche lädt uns Rigdzin Shikpo ein, uns nicht abzuwenden, an die Orte zu gehen, die wir fürchten, und uns voll und ganz für das, was ist, zu öffnen.

German translation of

Never Turn Away

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More titles in German are on German website

Meditation und Achtsamkeit, Schlüssel zu innerem Vertrauen

Offenheit, Klarheit und Feinfühligkeit sind die grundlegenden Eigenschaften unseres Geistes. Sie sind die Essenz unseres Wesens, die Quelle von allem, was gut und wahrhaftig in uns ist – die Quelle des Lebens selbst. Aber von dieser Quelle fühlen wir uns oft abgeschnitten, ja, haben den Zugang zu unserer Lebendigkeit vielleicht ganz verloren. Meditation und Achtsamkeit sind wunderbare Möglichkeiten, diese Qualitäten unseres Geistes und ihre befreiende Wirkung unmittelbar zu erfahren.

Schritt für Schritt führt Rigdzin Shikpo in die Meditation ein. Darüber hinaus gibt er Anleitungen für den achtsamen Umgang mit unseren alltäglichen Erfahrungen, sind sie doch die Basis für unser Glück, wenn wir uns nicht davor verschließen, sondern uns ihnen liebevoll zuwenden.

German translation of

Openness Clarity Sensitivity


Please order via our German website

Non Rifiutare Nulla

“Se aveste chiesto a Trungpa Rinpoche qual è l’essenza dell’insegnamento del Buddha, avrebbe risposto: ‘È semplicissimo. È l’insegnamento dell’apertura, della completa apertura'”. Così Rigdzin Shikpo, discepolo di Chògyam Trungpa Rinpoche, introduce il suo approccio al Dharma, riprendendo l’esortazione di Trungpa ad ‘accogliere sempre e non rifiutare mai’. L’apertura e il desiderio di scoprire la verità su se stessi e il mondo, anche se innati nell’uomo, vengono spesso sommersi dalle risposte consolidate e rassicuranti che offrono la società e la cultura. Essere totalmente aperti significa sperimentare ogni cosa in modo diretto, spogliandola dei rivestimenti e degli abbellimenti delle nostre proiezioni. Non è un percorso facile, e infatti l’autore lo chiama ‘il sentiero dell’imbarazzo’, perché è senza dubbio imbarazzante andare incontro alle situazioni più problematiche senza l’aiuto di tutti gli stratagemmi con cui siamo abituati a manipolare il nostro mondo. Eppure è il sentiero della saggezza, il sentiero del Buddha, l’unica via della sofferenza dell’essere: vedere la vera natura delle cose, velata dalle false proiezioni dalle distorsioni che intesse la mente.

Italian translation of

Never Turn Away


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