Heart Of Buddha Films
All films are also available on Vimeo Longchen Foundation on Vimeo
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Recorded in Dec 2022 these two talks by Rigdzin Shikpo extend his Heart of Buddha collection. In the first Rinpoche’s expounds his belief that the purest intrepretation of the Buddha’s teachings ‘Buddhadharma’ is in fact an approach to the truth of our experience and as such not really a religion at all. The second talk was given to our sister sangha, the Awakened Heart Sangha, in it he talks about the inherent mysterious nature of reality – the Great Mystery.
Vimeo link: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/buddhadharma
Mandalas & Longchen Rabjam’s Notions of Mandala
In this talk Rigdzin Shikpo leads us into a deeper understanding of mandalas with an explanation of Longchen Rabjam’s ideas about them. How when you develop your practice and begin to link into the mandala of reality you may experience pure compassion face to face, and start to see dharma mandalas in the natural world .
The following day Rigdzin Shikpo attempted to repeat his talk to the Awakened Heart Sangha, after getting half way he paused for questions, they were so good and the answers so expansive that he unfortunately ran out of time. The talk and as most of those questions and answers are included in the extras.
Vimeo Link: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/lrsmandalas
Rigdzin Shikpo’s Heart of the Buddha talk on Mindfulness, recorded 5th Oct 2014.
This is a very informative for anyone practicing Mindfulness or teaching it. Rigdzin Shikpo explains the origins of the Modern Mindfulness Movement and what is really meant by ‘mindfulness’ in the Buddhist tradition. He illuminates in detail the development of Smṛti, of which term ‘mindfulness’ is a oversimplification, and shows it as a path to reaching awakening.
Vimeo Link: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/mind
What is Buddhism? A Religion, A Philosophy Or Something Else?
In this video, Rigdzin Shikpo teaches how the essence of Buddhism is a way of approaching a universal truth. It is not about learning dogma, but using meditation to see through our misconceptions and break down our conceptual frameworks until we unveil the underlying reality.This talk was recorded at St Margaret’s Institute in Oxford on 14th Oct 2017.
Vimeo Link: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/whatisbuddhism
Openness Clarity Sensitivity
A talk supporting Rigdzin Shikpo’s book of the same name. When we are open, we naturally become clearer adn more able to respond sensitively to those around us. Discovering this in our own direct experinence transforms our perspective on life. ‘Openness is the essence of the boundless sphere, Clarity is the essence of vivid awareness, Sensitivity is the essence of the heart’s compassion.In the distorting mirror of confused mind,These three become the gross projections of the confused world.’ Rigdzin Shikpo 2018. Recorded on 1st Oct 2016. The first disc contains extra clips from Rigdzin Shikpo’s talk on the same theme to the Awakened Heart Sangha the following day, 2nd Oct, in Birmingham.
Vimeo Link: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/hobocs
Death and Dying
According to the later Indian tradition of Buddhadharma, a person entering the process of dying or having passed beyond the moment of death has a greater opportunity of becoming more open to what is real than at any other stage in their lifetime. A helper can use inspiring words and other practices so that the dying or dead person sees through the basic error of grasping at ego, and they become an awakened one in the land of clarity.
Rigdzin Shikpo’s talk helps explain how these methods can be used and why it is so important to realise this is an activity for the whole dharmacakra mandala; how everyone in a practicing sangha and beyond, is linked to, and can, and do support the dead and dying person. It was recorded at St Margarets, Oxford in February 2012.
Vimeo Link: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/31189
Karma: Working with our World
Karma means action. It encompasses all the actions we do with our body, our speech, our mind. We shape our world by the attitudes and actions we have created and performed. What we do is important
because it produces results that radiate into the future affecting ourselves and everyone. These results return to us like images in a mirror. Our actions give rise to the world around us and it is within that world of actions that we live our lives. There are many wrong ideas about karma and its results. Rigdzin Shikpo’s talk helps to clarify in great detail the nature of karma and shows how it can help us to understand our world in a meaningful way. It was recorded at Oxford Town Hall in October 2010.
This video can be ordered by contacting media@longchenfoundation.org
Longchen Longchenpa and the Dzogchen Path to Ultimate Realisation
Dzogchen (or Maha Ati) translates as the ‘Great Perfection’ and is considered by the Nyingma school of Tibetan Buddhism as the highest and most definitive path to ulitmate realisation. Of all the different teachings of the Buddha, Dzogchen is considered by many Lamas to be the most appropriate for our time.
In this talk Rigdzin Shikpo explains the Dzogchen view of the nature of reality.. He describes, in detail, the thinking behind the name ‘Longchen’ which the Longchen Foundation shares with the one of the greatest Tibetan scholars and realised masters, Longchen Rabjam or Longchenpa.
It was recorded at the Friends Meeting House, Oxford in December 2011.
This video can be ordered by contacting media@longchenfoundation.org
Mandala Principles
Mandala means something that has a centre and a periphery. Recognising the dynamics of all our mandala connections, the connections between mind, body, environment, self and others, is part of the awareness and clarity aspect of Being. Mandalas are the living spontaneously appearing dynamic patterns that pervade the whole universe and are the universe itself. Every aspect of our individuality is made from mandalas, as is the apparently existing external universe. We need to communicate with the mandalas around us through the power of our own heart mandala.This talk was recorded at St Margaret’ s, Hall, Oxford in June 2012.
Vimeo Link: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/31568
Meeting Trungpa Rinpoche
In 1963, a young Tibetan monk called Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche arrived in Great Britain to study at the University of Oxford. He was to have a profound effect on Western culture writing many books and creating many organisations. One of the first Westerners to be taught by Trungpa Rinpoche was a young man called Michael Hookham, later to be given the title ‘Rigdzin Shikpo.’
Chögyam Trungpa was Rigdzin Shikpo’s root guru. In these talks he passes on the inspiration he had from Trungpa Rinpoche and shows how the teachings of the direct simplicity of awareness can affect not only the individual but the whole of society.
This talk was recorded at the North Oxford Association, Oxford in Oct 2013. Also included is the short film ‘A Visit to Biddulph Old Hall’
Vimeo Link: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/31273
The Mandala Principle in the Dzogchen Tradition (English Version)
Everything in the Universe manifests as a mandala. Every mandala has a central principle that radiates outwards. It is by its very nature dynamic and vivid. Mandala principles can be recognised in every aspect of society. The Dzogchen Tradition, the highest buddhist view, is based on this principle. The centre of the mandala of enlightenment is the Heart of Awakening, the union of openness, clarity and sensitivity. Through meditation practice Dzogchen practitioners connect to the Heart of Awakening which becomes a constant reality all the way through life and the dying process. The Dzogchen teachings reveal the true nature of reality: Awakening is not realised through causes and conditions, body and mind can be transformed spontaneously. Beyond ignorance and confusion our ordinary flesh body is composed of elements of light. This talk was recorded at Forum am Park, Heidelberg, May 2016.
Vimeo Link: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/dzogchenmandala
The Mandala Principle in the Dzogchen Tradition (German Version)
Rigdzin Shikpo Rinpoche eröffnet uns in diesen Vorträgen einen besonderen Pfad in die Freiheit: Alles im Universum manifestiert sich als Mandala. Jedes Mandala hat ein zentrales Prinzip, das ausstrahlt. Es ist seinem Wesen nach dynamisch und lebendig. Mandalaprinzipien sind in unserer Gesellschaft und Umwelt überall zu erkennen. Aus der Sicht der Dzogchen-Tradition, der höchsten buddhistischen Sichtweise, gründet alles auf diesem Prinzip. Zentrum des erleuchteten Mandalas ist das erwachte Herz des Seins, die Vereinigung von Offenheit, Klarheit und Feinfühligkeit. Praktizierende des Dzogchen üben, sich in der Meditation damit zu verbinden, damit sich auch im Sterbeprozess diese konstante Realität offenbaren kann.Die Dzogchen-Lehren enthüllen die wahre Natur der Dinge: Erwachen wird nicht durch Ursachen und Bedingungen erlangt, sondern Geist und Körper können spontan transformiert werden. Jenseits von Verwirrung ist unser gewöhnlicher fleischlicher Körper aus Elementen von Licht gemacht. Wir können uns ganz natürlich mit anderen verbinden und in grenzenloser Offenheit zum Wohle aller Wesen tätig werden.Diese Vorträge wurden im Mai 2016 im Forum am Park, Heidelberg, aufgenommen.
Vimeo Link: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/dasdzogchenmandala