The Endless Compassionate Vision (ECV) programme is a training in how we can more truly relate to ourselves and others. Its teachings and practices are rooted in the Mahāyāna (the Great Vehicle) tradition of the second and third turnings of the Wheel of Buddhadharma, and its emphasis is on the cultivation of love, wisdom, compassion and joy. It is based on the ideal of the Bodhisattva, the Warrior of Awakening.
Using practices that increase our understanding of our connections with others, our ability to work effectively and skilfully increases. This aspect of training also enables us to relate more properly to and therefore receive help from those further along the path than ourselves.
Students must have completed The Lion’s Roar and covered core Path of Freedom topics to begin ECV training. At this point, one must also become a member of the Longchen Foundation. Students who complete the Endless Compassionate Vision may continue to study the Vajrayāna teachings of the Loncghen Heart Essence.