Longchen Heart Essence Retreat
The teaching and practise retreat for the Longchen Heart Essence streams 1, 2 and 3. This event takes place at Ty'n y gors, is taught by Rigdzin Shikpo and is […]
The teaching and practise retreat for the Longchen Heart Essence streams 1, 2 and 3. This event takes place at Ty'n y gors, is taught by Rigdzin Shikpo and is […]
The teaching and practise retreat for the Longchen Heart Essence streams 1, 2 and 3. This event takes place at Ty'n y gors, is taught by Rigdzin Shikpo and is […]
Every full moon the Longchen Foundation sangha gather to practise the Sadhana of the Embodiment of All the Siddhas, also known as the Sadhana of Mahamudra. This event is only […]
We are a Buddhist practise and study group of the Longchen Foundation based in Lewisham in south London. Our everyday world is so familiar and seemingly mundane that we easily […]